Friday, December 26, 2008
Washers are not good for phones.
So on the twenty Third of this month, I sent my phone through the washer. Unknowningly...... well, I was without a phone for Christmas Eve, and I began to realize how much I rely on it. I rely on it for an alarm in the morning so that I"m not late for work, I rely on it to contact the love of my life every moment I'm awake. I needed that phone. I began to see how addicted to it that I was and I began to wonder who all is addicted to it as much as I am. It was so interesting. A lesson that I learn is always check pockets before washing..... I've never done it before and I should learn now so that I don't send Jaron's through the washer either....... That's why he gets to do laundary when we're both home. He's amazing, but yeah! Lesson learned!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
IBS is kicking my butt.... again!
Okay, so this April I had the fortunate news to find out exactly what's wrong with me. It's IBS. It's been really bad up until I started spending time with Jaron! However, I knew it would come back to haunt me later on in life and thus it has begun to hurt again..... It's time to go on that diet again!
I feel bad about things that I have said to my family. I meant it all in a loving manner. I seriously love each and everyone of them. I'm not perfect again and I never want to seem like I am, and I don't want to preach. I'm not like that. My thoughts are thoughts in order to protect my mother. I've very protective of her. I don't know why exactly, but it kills me to have anyone say or do anything mean to her. It breaks my heart. So that's basically why I act out in the manner I sometimes to members of my family..... I do love them with all my heart.
The reason I hurt is because of stress. When my stress level increases this is when I feel the worst. So as of today, I'm feeling horrible. It's okay though, just means that what happened with things that I said was too stressful. Time to simplify my life..... I'm surely not perfect. That's the first thing I need understood. Second, I only said what I did out of kindness and love. I hope everyone understands and I am thus moving on with my life as I always have finishing school and working just as hard as ever. My choice though is to marry Jaron because he is exactly everything I need. I realize that I am young and I'm scared about the future. I worry about it daily, but I also know that both of us have a good paying job right now, and that things will be okay. I know that no matter what, Jaron will always be there for me and he will respect me and love me. He's so kind to me and so loving. This is why I am marrying him because I want that for eternity and I just love who he is. He makes me laugh when I'm the saddest and vica versa. I guess I'm just lucky enough to have found my "Soul Mate" so young in life as did some of my sisters. They are the happiest of my sisters. I just happen to be really lucky to have a man like Jaron. He's amazing.
I feel bad about things that I have said to my family. I meant it all in a loving manner. I seriously love each and everyone of them. I'm not perfect again and I never want to seem like I am, and I don't want to preach. I'm not like that. My thoughts are thoughts in order to protect my mother. I've very protective of her. I don't know why exactly, but it kills me to have anyone say or do anything mean to her. It breaks my heart. So that's basically why I act out in the manner I sometimes to members of my family..... I do love them with all my heart.
The reason I hurt is because of stress. When my stress level increases this is when I feel the worst. So as of today, I'm feeling horrible. It's okay though, just means that what happened with things that I said was too stressful. Time to simplify my life..... I'm surely not perfect. That's the first thing I need understood. Second, I only said what I did out of kindness and love. I hope everyone understands and I am thus moving on with my life as I always have finishing school and working just as hard as ever. My choice though is to marry Jaron because he is exactly everything I need. I realize that I am young and I'm scared about the future. I worry about it daily, but I also know that both of us have a good paying job right now, and that things will be okay. I know that no matter what, Jaron will always be there for me and he will respect me and love me. He's so kind to me and so loving. This is why I am marrying him because I want that for eternity and I just love who he is. He makes me laugh when I'm the saddest and vica versa. I guess I'm just lucky enough to have found my "Soul Mate" so young in life as did some of my sisters. They are the happiest of my sisters. I just happen to be really lucky to have a man like Jaron. He's amazing.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
How this all started out.... AKA: how we met!
So Jaron and I both work at Macey's..... Go figure. I spend all my time there, so obviously I'm going to meet someone there. But anyways, in the beginning of August I moved back to the meat department to be a sample girl! That's when I first started seeing him. I said hi to him a lot becuase he always seemed so sad. He was engaged before and I knew that. I didn't know what had happend though and me being who I am, I wanted to be a friend. Well, anyway, time kept moving and I always said hi to him. Then at the end of August I became part of what we call Savory Selections. I was given the assistant job. That's when I started talking to him more because I actually had a chance too. We became friends, not extremely close friends, but we'd talk every now and then. We were friends.
October came around and as he will always tell you.... I asked for his number.... =D The day I asked for his number was when it all started. He asked me out on a date the next wednesday, and I wasn't sure how I felt about him but he told methat he liked me that day. So I told him we'll start out as friends. Then we started dating a week later, and here we are. December, planning a wedidng. I used to make fun of people who did these types of things. I laughed at them, the ones who knew after a couple weeks that the person that you're dating is the person for you. But I know he is. We're so similar and we agree on basically everything.
So that's how we met and fell madly in love..... And now we're getting married on March 14th! YAY!
October came around and as he will always tell you.... I asked for his number.... =D The day I asked for his number was when it all started. He asked me out on a date the next wednesday, and I wasn't sure how I felt about him but he told methat he liked me that day. So I told him we'll start out as friends. Then we started dating a week later, and here we are. December, planning a wedidng. I used to make fun of people who did these types of things. I laughed at them, the ones who knew after a couple weeks that the person that you're dating is the person for you. But I know he is. We're so similar and we agree on basically everything.
So that's how we met and fell madly in love..... And now we're getting married on March 14th! YAY!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Registering amazingness!
So today Jaron and I spent the last hour of our bridal and gift registering at Bed, Bath, & Beyond. We were just walking around making sure we got eveyrything scanned that we wanted/needed. He just turned to me and asked me if the spirit was as strong to me as it was with him right then.
This is something about Jaron that I love. He always brings the spirit into my life and all he has to do is ask me if I feel the spirit as strong as he does and then I feel it. His parents have told me that ever since he was young he's had a gift to feel the spirit stronger than anyone else around him and thus is able to explain the spirit so well to bring it into other's lives. Jaron is an amazing person and he's very blessed to have had the opportunity to serve a full-time mission. He tells me a million stories about it all the time, and he's very proud of that mission.
We may be young, but we're two people very much in love. Marriage is somewhere I want to go to spend the rest of my life with him because he is my best friend. I want to be with him and only him forever. Fortunatly for all of us in this gospel we have that chance to be bound to each other, to the person we love, for eternity. I'm so excited for this opportunity. I know Jaron is the man for me. The spirit has told us that we're supposed to be here and as we move forward for preparations towards a wedding the spirit has been stronger. I'm grateful for him in my life, and I'm ready to move forward even though wedding stuff is a little stressful. I'll be okay as long as I'm with Jaron. He's the world to me, and I thank the Lord every second that Jaron is in my life.
This is something about Jaron that I love. He always brings the spirit into my life and all he has to do is ask me if I feel the spirit as strong as he does and then I feel it. His parents have told me that ever since he was young he's had a gift to feel the spirit stronger than anyone else around him and thus is able to explain the spirit so well to bring it into other's lives. Jaron is an amazing person and he's very blessed to have had the opportunity to serve a full-time mission. He tells me a million stories about it all the time, and he's very proud of that mission.
We may be young, but we're two people very much in love. Marriage is somewhere I want to go to spend the rest of my life with him because he is my best friend. I want to be with him and only him forever. Fortunatly for all of us in this gospel we have that chance to be bound to each other, to the person we love, for eternity. I'm so excited for this opportunity. I know Jaron is the man for me. The spirit has told us that we're supposed to be here and as we move forward for preparations towards a wedding the spirit has been stronger. I'm grateful for him in my life, and I'm ready to move forward even though wedding stuff is a little stressful. I'll be okay as long as I'm with Jaron. He's the world to me, and I thank the Lord every second that Jaron is in my life.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Seven Things most people don't even know........ about JARON!
7- He loves any drink that is Black Cherry flavored.
6- He can put his foot behind his head.
5- He can do a water drip noise with his finger and his cheek that entertains me for hours....... and will probably entertain our kids too.
4- He loves sci fi.
3- He's so facinated by anything to do with space. (Apparently my eyes look like nebulas. =D)
2- He loves Legos and has a Lego collection the size of New Mexico...... Or even Mexico itself.
1- He can do an excellent Southern drawl.
6- He can put his foot behind his head.
5- He can do a water drip noise with his finger and his cheek that entertains me for hours....... and will probably entertain our kids too.
4- He loves sci fi.
3- He's so facinated by anything to do with space. (Apparently my eyes look like nebulas. =D)
2- He loves Legos and has a Lego collection the size of New Mexico...... Or even Mexico itself.
1- He can do an excellent Southern drawl.
Seven Things about me most people don't even know.....
7- I'm allergic to Metal.
6- I crave Pizza on a daily basis.
5- I hate doing laundary with a passion!
4- I'm lactose and Glutten intolerant.
3- I hate Carrots, I will only eat them in Carrot cake. You can't make me eat them otherwise.
2- I love people watching and I can get close to what you're thinking just by watching your facial expressions.
1- I absolutely hate it when I have a hole in my sock. Especially on the ball of my foot, I get chills up and down my back constantly when there is a hole there.
6- I crave Pizza on a daily basis.
5- I hate doing laundary with a passion!
4- I'm lactose and Glutten intolerant.
3- I hate Carrots, I will only eat them in Carrot cake. You can't make me eat them otherwise.
2- I love people watching and I can get close to what you're thinking just by watching your facial expressions.
1- I absolutely hate it when I have a hole in my sock. Especially on the ball of my foot, I get chills up and down my back constantly when there is a hole there.
Alicia did crazy eights, so why can't I?
Here are my Crazy Eight's"
8 FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Sabrina the teenage witch, HEROS, myth busters, sister-sister, Ace of Cakes, Life with Derek, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and What not to wear.
8 THINGS I DID YESTERDAY: Went to Church with Jaron's parents and sister, Put up the christmas tree with both side of the family, hung out with Kyleigh and Aubrey Jaron's little sisters, saw christmas lights with my bother and sisters, played Phase ten with said brother and sisters, decided where to go for honeymoon, changed wedding date from May 22nd to March 14th, and ate pizza craved pizza =D
8 THINGS I LOOK FORWARD TO: Getting married on pi day!, putting Jaron through school, enjoying the companionship with Jaron, getting done with school, moving to Logan to go to school and work at a eating disorder clinic, peeing my pants laughing with Jaron, and watching little children of ours grow.
8 FAVORITE RESTAURANTS: Little ceasers, Olive Garden, Wendy's, Quiznos, Subway, Papa John's, Applebees, and La Vigna.
8 THINGS ON MY WISHLIST: A better bed, a new apartment, more money, a sewing machine, scrubs, a dog for Jaron and I, having the wedding planned for us, and just relaxation.

So this is the engagement ring...
As we move into the weeks ahead I'm so glad that I have this with me all the time. I love just looking at it and thinking about how much I love Jaron. I love to think about how he makes me feel like myself and that with him I feel like all my dreams are possible. Marriage is a big step and it isn't going to be easy, but the ring is an eternal circle and I know with Jaron there will always be love. Everyday of my life and every moment in the next. I'm excited to share that bond with him and to be his friend because I truly love him.
The Start!!

Here we begin, As Jaron and Kellie Holt. We're getting married on March 14th 2009. This is basically so we can just let you all know about us, and where we will be posting pictures and just so I can get to know this site better. Thanks so much for your support and love as we move into this life together, forever. We're very excited to join as a family together.
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