So, this is our first peek at our little kiddo. We're excited to say that I'm pregnant. My due date is December 13th.... Merry Christmas to us! We're so excited about this new addition to our small family. I'm thirteen weeks and two days pregnant today. I'm officially done with the first trimester! I don't feel nearly as tired anymore. I'm not very good with getting on my blog and updating it. We don't have working internet where we live. Sad day! But we try what we can. There the kid is!!!!!!!!!
That's so awesome! Isn't it a great feeling? The best is when you first feel your little kiddo move. I'm very excited for you! Keep us posted :) (when you can)
Yay for updates!! You should do them more often :) Although, I understand the whole, not having the internet thing... Still, yay for updates!!!
Hooray for babies. Let me know if I can do anything for you. I know a little bit about having babies and stuff. So if you need any help I would love to help. But only if you want it, I don't want to bug you.
I would totally love to get info on anything baby. If you know a cheep/semi cheep anything baby, I would love to know! You can call me at 801-709-3724, or you can text me. I'll most likely respond to text because I work like crazy! Thanks a lot! Love ya all!
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