
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Lion House Rolls

Tomorrow I have a work party so I made these lovely rolls!!!!

Here is the link for the recipe.

Now, I worked in a bakery for about two years. When it's cold and dry outside like Utah weather is quite often things don't rise as fast. In most bakeries there is something called the Proof box. It's basically just a big humid warm box that allows the yeast to grow. That's how they get the french bread to rise four times it's size in about an hour and a half.

So, how to get this at home? I will tell you. Turn on your oven to whatever degree you want and leave it on for about 5 minutes. Then turn it off. After you turn it off grab a pan whatever size you want and fill it with warm water about a half inch to one inch. Then stick the pan of water on the bottom rack and then put your bread above it. Close the oven and leave for about 30 minutes.

If you have two pans that don't fit alternate every 15 minutes until you get the desired size you want before baking. If you have questions leave me a comment!

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